In the past twenty years I've read several hundred books on theology and apologetics. I've read numerous classics and many of the best recent works. And recently I read what may be the most powerful smackdown of the atheist mindset that I've ever seen:
Edwina, The Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Was Extinct
What? I'm serious! Just check out the plot summary: "Everyone in town knows Edwina. She is the dinosaur who plays with the kids. She is the dinosaur who helps little old ladies cross the street. And best of all, she bakes yummy chocolate-chip cookies. Everyone loves Edwina - except for Reginald Von Hoobie-Doobie. Reginald knows dinosaurs are extinct and is ready to prove it. But will anyone listen? And if they do, what will happen to Edwina?"
Now tell me that isn't the finest caricature of atheism that you've ever seen! Reginald Von Hoobie-Doobie is obsessed with proving that Edwina can't possibly exist, and actually thinks that if he can convince enough people, she'll cease to be. Even as she's baking cookies for his class, he's spewing venom against her that could be summarized as "Edwina doesn't exist, and I hate her". Reginald could switch places with Richard Dawkins and you'd never notice. A finer caricature of the atheist has never been concocted.
How does Edwina defeat all his finest arguments? Simply by existing.
And all the atheist's bluster of "there is no God" falls impotent before "I AM".
God is, and Jesus is risen from the dead. The cleverest arguments of the enemy are defeated by those truths. Know it, proclaim it, and live like it. It's the only hope for us, and a world full of Hoobie-Doobies.
7 hours ago